Monday, October 15, 2012

Gayo Tribe

SPARE GAYO is a tribe that inhabited the Gayo highlands . Gayo tribe in majority districts are in Central Aceh (25%), highlands (25%), Gayo Lues (25%) of Southeast Aceh (15%), East Aceh (5%), Aceh Tamiang (3%), in the Outer Aceh (2%). Gayo tribe religion of Islam and they were known devout in his religion. Gayo tribe uses a language called Gayo language. History Kingdom of Linga or Linge (Gayo language) on the ground Gayo, according to M. Djamil Jonah in his book "White Elephant" issued by the Institute of Culture Atjeh in 1959, Kutaraja, said that around the 11th century (Penahunan is probably very relative because Lamuri kingdom existed before this century, a more precise penahunan Centuries to 2-9 M), the Kingdom of Linga established by the Gayo people in the era of Sultan Mahmud Shah Machudum Johan Sovereign of the Kingdom Perlak. This information is known from the testimony of his son Raja Raja Uyem and Ranta, King Cik Bebesan and of Zainuddin, from Bukit Kejurun kings who have ruled both as king in the Dutch colonial era. Linga Raja I, mentioned having 4 children. The oldest woman named professor or Datu Beru Beru, others sebayak Linga (Ali Shah), Meurah Johan (Djohan Shah) and Meurah Linga (Malamsyah). Sebayak Linga then migrate to the land of Karo and open country where he is known as the King of Linga Sibayak. Meurah Johan wanders into Aceh Besar and establish his kingdom called Lamkrak or Oeii Lam, known as the Sultanate Lamoeri and Lamuri or Lamuri or Lambri. This means that over the sultanate Lamuri founded by Johan Meurah while Meurah Linga lived in Linge , Gayo , who later became king Linge down termurun. Meurah Silu Pasai migrate to the area and become a civil power in Pasai Sultanate. Power is the sultanate Sultanate led by Shiite Persians and Arabs. Meurah Mege himself buried on the Slopes Keramil Wihni Rayang Paluh in the Linge , Central Aceh . Until now still preserved and respected by the people. The cause of migration is unknown. However, according to the story is told that the king favored his youngest Linga Meurah Mege. Thus making the other children prefer to wander.

Arts Culture
A cultural element that never flagging in Gayo society is art, which almost never stagnate even tend to thrive. Gayo famous art form, such as dance and art tells saman called Didong. In addition to entertainment and recreation, art forms it has the function of ritual, education, information, as well as a means of maintaining balance and social structure of society. In addition there is also a form of art like: Dance bines, Guel Dance, Dance munalu, Sebuku (pepongoten), teachers Didong and melengkan (art speech customary), which is also not forgotten from time to time, because people are rich Gayo arts culture. In all facets of life, the Gayo have and cultivate a culture as a reference behavior to achieve order, discipline, solidarity, mutual assistance, and diligent (mutentu). Experience the value of this culture driven by a value called bersikemelen, namely competition embody a basic value of self-esteem (mukemel). These values are embodied in various aspects of life, such as in the fields of economics, arts, kinship, and education. The source of these values is the religion of Islam as well as local custom embraced by the entire community Gayo. SPARE GAYO is a tribe that inhabited the Gayo highlands . Gayo tribe in majority districts are in Central Aceh (25%), highlands (25%), Gayo Lues (25%) of Southeast Aceh (15%), East Aceh (5%), Aceh Tamiang (3%), in the Outer Aceh (2%). according to a geologist who conducted research bali origin in Aceh Gayo tribe amid a primitive tribe. Gayo tribe religion of Islam and they were known devout in his religion. Gayo tribe uses a language called Gayo language .

Alang Tulung means mutual help. Tradition Alang Tulung a heritage come with the aim of creating harmony and tolerance in society. This tradition is based on the philosophy that man can not live alone, but must be mutually mutual assistance.

The origins of Interest Gayo is one of the Malays who settled in Nanggro Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Gayo Malay community has a tradition of mutual aid called Tulung reeds. The tradition of mutual assistance is usually associated with a joint life, including the economy and religion. This tradition is practiced by rural communities Gayo and a force to embed them as a tribe (T. Syamsudin, 1979/1980). Alang Tulung generally means mutual help. In the language of Gayo, grass means "sick or poor and mean please or help Tulung Thus, alang Tulung defined as persons who are sick or distress then had to be helped or assisted. Tradition grass is Tulung heritage Gayo Malay community who want to live in harmony and peace . tradition is based on the philosophy that man can not live alone, but must be mutual help. Humans have a sick and healthy. those who have petrified the sick healthy, and vice versa(T.Syamsudin,1979/1980).

Concentration of coarse hand-picked
The core of the tradition Tulung grass is mutual assistance to each other, either in social activities, family events, economics, and religion. In addition based on the teachings of the ancestors, alang Tulung also based on the teachings of Islam professed by the majority of Gayo. Tradition Alang Tulung Gayo society generally expressed in several areas of the following activities:

1. Economy and jobs. Alang Tulung in this field generally a berelat or menomang (rice), mangale (open gardens in the forest), mangolo (fisheries), pioneer (create a path), munuke rerak (brought water), and murerak (air duct cleaning) . Alang Tulung this model involves almost the entire population of the village. Special on menomang, usually only done by the family and relatives or spouses and friends, as well as menomang also aimed to find a mate.

2. Everyday appliances. In this field is manifested in activities such as munegu pereu (makes the boat), keben granary), fungi (shelter in the fields), JINGKI (mortar), mersah / menasah (pesantren), joyah (mosque), and wumen (where bath). Currently, this model Tulung grass is starting to rarely performed because of the presence or JINGKI keben already lost. The development joyah and menasah still do because it is a cultural characteristic Gayo hitherto maintained.

3. Community. In this field, grass Tulung consists of two models, which are generally in the form munyesuk neighborly umah (building a house) which includes finding wood in the forest, giving the roof of the house, or bury telege (digging wells), and are generally concerned relatives antarkaum life cycle ceremonies , such as marriage, circumcision, or shave the baby's hair. In the model of voluntary neighborly, landlords will only feed and drink. However, he had to reply helpful to people who have helped him building a house. While antarkerabat done on the basis of kinship, alternating current members held the same relative

4. Conditional events. Alang Tulung in this context do when things happen that are unexpected, such as accidents, death, or other. In the event of death, for example, in general, neighbors and relatives to come. The bebujang (youth) for example will inherit bury jeret (digging), while beberu (girls) take water for bathing the corpse. Religious scholars to take care of the shroud, while some others charge comforting grieving families.

5. Religion or belief. Alang Tulung in this case do when preparing for the anniversary of religious holidays, such as the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Another form is like holding munayang (kenduri paddy) in the form of pit niweh (feast down field), tulak bale (starting bala), and munebang (feast open forest)

Knowledge about the Gayo Tulung grass contains noble values, among others
 Harmony community. This tradition of mutual help strengthen community harmony Gayo. With work together, deprivation and distress can be done well and might be shared.
 Preserving tradition. Alang Tulung be evidence that the preservation of ancestral traditions are important things to do.
 Respect for fellow human beings.The tradition is a form of appreciation Alang Tulung humanity and become a symbol of solidarity Gayo.
 Maintain custom. Tulung Alang is a social ethic that comes from the teachings of the ancestors and therefore its implementation is a manifestation of the effort in keeping the traditional Gayo.
 Applying religion. The majority of the Gayo people are Muslims and Islam teaches that human beings help each other. Therefore, the implementation of this tradition is also an implementation of religious teachings Islam.Menjaga unity. Mutual assistance is a strong foundation to keep the unity of society. Therefore, the implementation of this tradition is the effort to strengthen the social foundation.

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